Reviews & Calls…
As reviews go, the latest opinion on Yorkshire’s Three Peaks: The Inside Story of the Dales, certainly gets across the point the book was trying to make.
The Dalesman said: “Readers who want more substance than gloss will enjoy this personal account of a journey through a much-loved landscape.
“In this book, journalist Mike Appleton – accompanied by his dog Max – looks deeper than the tourist brochures generally do to uncover the inside story of this picturesque part of the world.”
Interestingly, before I saw the review I took a call from a lady who had seen The Dalesman. She had left a message on my phone saying how pleased she was with the cover of the book and the fact she could see her old bungalow on it.
I called her back, had a lengthy chat about the Dales and Horton-In-Ribblesdale and how wonderful the area is to walk in. She was heading back up there in a couple of weeks and staying in The Crown.
She then called me a local celebrity!
Later in the day I had another message from the lady and the fact she had made a special visit to Leeds to get the book, loved the pictures and thanked me for all the work I do in promoting the area.
It was humbling that someone would go out of their way to give me a call and thank me for writing a book.
We shared a passion for the Dales and my only hope is the thoughts and comments in the book are taken on board so this fine area of the country is viable for future generations.
You can buy the book here – £3 from each copy will go to the Cave Rescue Organisation.